Thursday, October 14, 2010


There is this guy that keeps on staring at me during class, i don't know wiether he likes me or not, what should i do?

Dear Nightmare:

Well it could be many things. He could be thinking possible just staring into space and happends to be looking in your direction. I cant tell you much concidering that i dont know "this guy" but dont be to concerned about it. if he likes you he will probably come forward about it . Or you could ask him but that depends on you.


My friend and i are fighting but i'm not exactly sure what to do, i need some advice.

Dear Gir, I'm sorry you and your friend are fighting, it doesn't matter what you're fighting about you just need to put your differences aside and make up. You need to know that if they're your real friends it shouldn't matter if you fight, they're still your friends.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Advice collum

The advice collum is used for of course advise if you need help or suggestions or whatever just ask us we will be sure to get back to you .